Speak English Fluently and Confidently in IELTS – Read These Books
When you are on your way of preparing something, you will always feel that reading is boring. You will think that, there are so many good YouTube videos on this topic. Why spend money on books? Why waste time on reading books? These are the two important questions that will arise in our mind. Reading is an asset for everyone. With expert trainers and excellent coaching classes of IELTS and OET, Casper Academy of Excellence is suggesting you best strategies to get through these exams. With more than 18 years of experience in this field, Casper Academy of Excellence is the best IELTS coaching institute in Kochi.
Here, we will suggest you few books that will guide you tremendously in life, to build your career as well as to build your social life. These books will definitely help you in your IELTS preparation. Here we can see few books to improve your English-speaking proficiency in your IELTS speaking test and also in your broad journey.
The Fabric of Language – Grammar
Non-native speakers dread the most about is of grammar. Grammar is actually the skeletal system of any language. Similarly, it is same in case of English also. But, it does not have to be the wall of your IELTS speaking preparation. All you need is right guidance that makes learning grammar memorable. Here are two books that make this process easy.
- Everyday English for Grown-ups: Getting to Grips with the Basics
- English for Everyone: English Grammar Guide: A Comprehensive Visual Reference
Knowing Vocabulary – The Flesh and Blood
Vocabulary is the thing that makes the distinction between a person’s linguistic capabilities. Actually it is where the proficiency part of any language test focuses the most. Casper Academy of Excellence will guide you to score best in IELTS and OET. The excellence of coaching had made Casper Academy as the best OET training institute in Kochi. A limited vocabulary will ruin the conversation as repetitions tend to occur and slag down the listener’s interest. Here is an excellent book to get through this problem.
- English collocations in use: Intermediate Book with Answers
Pronunciation – The skin of a body
When the grammar and vocabulary make the body, the way it is treated or greeted will depend on the way you are using it. Casper Academy of Excellence is the excellent IELTS coaching institute in Kochi to give good attention on developing your IELTS Speaking skills. The book that provides efficient ways for improving pronunciation is:
- Ship or Sheep?